Communiqué regarding the Székely Mikó Highschool

2015. június 08., tags: Romania, romania, székely miko high school, miko, church/state relation, székely mikó high school

The Transylvanian Reformed Church District turned to the Strasbourg European Court of Human Rights in the case of the Reformed Székely Mikó High School’s renationalization in Sfantu Gheorghe (Sepsiszentgyörgy), Romania.

Study on the case of Székely Mikó High School of Sepsiszentgyörgy

2015. február 20., tags: Romania, romania, székely miko high school, miko, church/state relation, székely mikó high school

The Research Institue for Hungarian Communities Abroad has published a study analysing the case of church property, Székely Mikó High School of Sepsisentgyörgy.

Human Rights Alert Issued about Re-nationalization of Székely Mikó High School

2014. december 11., tags: székely miko high school, reformed church in romania, miko, church/state relation, romania, Romania, székely mikó high school

"Since all legal recourse has been exhausted in Romania for the Hungarian Reformed Church and the three defendants, their only hope for fair decision rests in the European Court of Human Rights", the New York based Hungarian Human Rights Foundation states in its latest Alert in regard to the case of the Székely Mikó High School. The alert explains the situation of the church property restitution in Romania.

Statement of The Transylvanian Reformed Church District’s Extraordinary Assembly on the 29th of November 2014

2014. december 03., tags: transylvanian reformed church district, miko, romania, High Court of Ploiesti, Romania, székely miko high school, hungarian reformed church (hrc), church/state relation, székely mikó high school

The Extraordinary Assembly of the Transylvanian Reformed Church District approved unanimously the following statement regarding the Re-Nationalization of the Székely Mikó Reformed High-School in Sepsiszentgyörgy/Sfântu Gheorghe by the Romanian State on the 29th of November 2014.

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Reformed Church in Hungary

Address: H-1146 Budapest, Abonyi utca 21.   

PO Box: 1140 Budapest 70, Pf. 5

Phone/Fax: + 36 1 460 0708 


Our church through American eyes

We encourage you to read our  former GM intern Kearstin Bailey's blog about her time, spent in Hungary.